Another confidential BBC memo is leaked and published



FROM Director of Bias – BBC Scotlandshire

TO: All political journalists (except that bitch Isabel Fraser)

SUBJECT: Misreporting Potential Good News in Scotlandshire

Great News! Lord High Pontificator Dimbleby has made an arse of himself, by confusing a story from spoof site BBC Scotland as one of ours!

I've gone behind his back to the bosses in London, and I have great hopes of being promoted to drive the gravy train! If that comes about, all youtubes will get a few spoonfuls.

This was his memo

Dimbleby to Plebs

I have instructed the nominal Director-General of the BBC to completely close the Scotlandshire section, since you are unable to follow clear instructions. This decision has been taken following the publication of this amateurish effort.

In case any of you get jobs with your local papers, I attach a few notes as guidance.

Sir Ian Wood warns of oil 'nightmare'

It should have read -

Oil Boss predicts Armageddon in Aberdeen

The lead paragraph had to be much stronger than

The oil industry needs to do all it can to avoid a "nightmare legacy scenario" of "here today, gone tomorrow, and worse off", Sir Ian Wood has warned.

It was stupid to suggest that there could be any alternative to disaster. A simple deletion as shown solves the problem.

Packing paras 2-5 with boring guff which will stop people reading further is fine, but you lost your jobs when I read para 6 –

"My headline message for the youth of today - get involved. The North Sea oil industry will see you through your lifetime."

Are you witless? You have highlighted that you have dumped his headline message of hope and prosperity to a subordinate position.

Worse, you have included his key point that there are at least, 60 years of oil revenues and jobs to come, which would make Scotland one of the richest countries in the world!

Why do you think we buried theMcCrone Report for as long as we could, and certainly never mention it still?

That section of Woods's speech should have been totally suppressed.

While the article would have been somewhat short as a result, that would have left space for a long discussion of how crime will soon engulf Aberdeen, due to the failure to follow the example of noble Albion and have elected Police Commissioners, to suppress tomorrow's unemployed rioters.

This memo has been hacked onto the BBC Scotlandshire site by resistance group "Insulted Scots Abhorring BBC England's Lies, Fictions, and Rancid Attempts to Sideline Excellent Reporting!"

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