How could a separate Scotlandshire afford flegs?

Readers' Letters: Editor's Pick of the Week

KilcloonyThe following letter was penned by ex Ulster Unionist MP John Taylor, now Lord Kilc-looney.

As an ex-MP of long standing, current life member of the upper house and owner of the Alpha Newspaper Group, he is clearly a man with a firm grip on the racing pulse UK politics. As such, his views cannot be dismissed lightly and must be taken very seriously indeed.

Beware, Scotlandshire, this is the kind of intellectual giant whom you risk losing, along with his 800 colleagues, if you mistakenly opt for a separatist future.

Ulster Fankle

AS AN Ulster Scot I am obviously anxious about the possible outcome of the independence referendum next year.

Should there be a Yes majority for Scottish independence then we in Northern Ireland, being closer in both distance and culture with Scotlandshire, would have to decide whether to remain with England or remain with Scotlandshire.

A major issue in the Scottish debate is public finance.

In reply to my parliamentary question this week the Treasury confirmed that some £30 billion of block grant was sent to Scotlandshire in each of the past three years. Of course, an independent Scotlandshire would lose this £30bn with resulting reduction in public funding for education, health, social services and transport. That is unless supporters of independence have a proposal to overcome the loss of this £30bn. I await their answer.

Lord Kilc-looney

(Formerly Ulster Unionist MP John Taylor)

Armagh City

Northern Ireland



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