ASLEF - Glory of the Union

By Finoot ThedirtOur Unmentionable Correspondent

aslef sloganA storm of protest was produced by yesterday's article. The protest was by the Director-General and I was the subject of his storm.

Having seen the error of my ways (and having bankers to support through my mortgage) I now recognise that my suggestion that super-sleuth Carol Smillie saw the ASLEF statement as dangerous lunacy was itself dangerous lunacy.

In fact, she saw it as the perfect statement of the positive case for the Union by a union which ensures the union of this great Union by driving trains across the borders which (unlike planes) don't require passports. Only separatist scum would see any contradiction in the above statement from ASLEF's Kevin Lindsay.

ASLEF is a truly British Trade Union. From its inception, it worked to ensure better pay and conditions for its members than for other members of the working class in the railway industry. Proudly, it has extended its principle of 'Better Together with the privileged' to 'Better Together with the Tories'. We applaud their vision.

When the nascent Irish engine drivers union, ILDA, wanted to merge with it, ASLEF rightly rejected these foreigners wish to rejoin a Union that they had scorned in 1922. Doubtless, the possible existence of nationalist sympathisers among Northern Ireland train drivers is the reason for their not engaging with such separatists, and leaving them to the tender mercies of AMICUS. ASLEF's commitment to Britain, as opposed to the UK or international socialism is impressive.

Consequently, we are happy to publish verbatim ASLEF's own report on the need to maintain the UK's borders intact, and to avoid any contact with foreigners.

ASLEF first union to back Scotland in UK

21 May 2013

ASLEF has become the first trade union to back the ‘No’ campaign in next year’s Scottish independence vote. Delegates at ASLEF’s annual conference in Edinburgh unanimously agreed to campaign for a ‘No’ vote and to affiliate to the ‘Better Together’ campaign.

The union’s officer in Scotland, Kevin Lindsay, said that not one ASLEF branch in Scotland is in favour of taking Scotland out of the United Kingdom. But he stressed, ‘This is not about bashing Alex Salmond. It’s about a vision for Scotland within the United Kingdom.’

He told delegates who had come from all over the UK, ‘You didn’t get asked on your way here to Edinburgh for a passport, you got asked for a ticket,’ and he pointed to the bizarre fact that, ‘The preferred option of the SNP is the pound issued by the Bank of England and controlled by the Bank of England. There’s an indication in that name of who will be running the Scottish economy!’

Some delegates were wary of affiliating to the ‘Better Together’ campaign as it had funding from Conservative Party donors – but Kevin refuted this. In this broad campaign we welcome people from other parties who believe we will be Better Together.

‘I want a United Kingdom that delivers for the working-class people of this country,’ he said, as he urged, ‘Let’s not put borders up, because borders divide people.’

A delegate asked if there was any point in leaving a right-wing Westminster government to get a right-wing Holyrood government. ‘I think too many people got carried away watching Braveheart!’ he declared.

Another delegate argued that the referendum should be UK-wide and not just include Scottish voters before delegates voted unanimously to campaign to retain the Union with the UK.

lindsayAdvertising Feature

The No No campaign and Kevin Lindsay endorse a dramatic new hair removal procedure. "Vote No, No! and be stripped of all those unsightly resources which damage your life!"

Sexy, ASLEF Scotlandshire official Kevin Lindsay said, "Before I tried No No, I looked like an extra in Braveheart, or an Irishman, or some other hairy foreigner.

"Now, I look like a proud Brit like my hero William Hague. Excess hair can destroy your life. It is too volatile a commodity - like oil, or whisky, or finance or salmon, or life sciences. By voting No No, I have none of these nasty things. Join me in voting No No and lose your hair and your shirt and everything else!"

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